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Follow Up – Supporting James Thrive with Proactive Support

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James is a young man living with autism, Sotos Syndrome, and Epilepsy. Until 2020, James lived in a residential home, a care setting that contributed to many physical and mental health challenges. With a proactive pre-planning stage, a smooth transition, and the ongoing support provided by one of the Catalyst Care Group brands, James is now enjoying a happy and fulfilling life.

Read more about James’s story and the challenges he faced before we started working together.

This follow-up case study provides insights into James’s continuous progress, highlighting the power of quality and consistency of care provided by one of our brands, Leaf Complex Care. Here’s the story of James through the eyes of Daniel Welch, the Registered Manager of Leaf Complex Care in Exeter, and Alex, one of James’s support workers:

Continued Progress Through Quality and Consistency of Care

When one of our brands started supporting James, he experienced a life-changing transformation. He moved into his own home with assistance of two support workers. With consistent, round-the-clock care, James began to overcome challenges and live
a fulfilling life.

“When James was living in residential care, nothing was around his timetable of needs. He had to rely on when the bus was free, when staff could get to him, what the menu said for the food for the week, and shift patterns for getting up/going to bed. The communication with family was terrible, and we were not encouraged to have a say, despite us being a really close family. I, as mum, wanted so much more for J and for him to have control of his life with the right help.”, says his mother.

”We’ve got methods of support that we use, and we know how to calm his anxiety. We still have challenges, but this is something that the staff is really achieving in the support they provide for James every day.” – says Daniel Welch, Registered Manager of Leaf Complex Care in Exeter.

Through regular visits to the store, walks, drives, and swimming sessions, James has gained independence and confidence to become socially active. Today, he enjoys spending time together with the people he loves.

”All he needs is additional support to be able to live his own life. Since being with us, James has had a holiday in Disneyland. A staff member went with him and his family. And he’s got another holiday planned for next year. He enjoys anything Disney, so it is a great opportunity for him.” – adds Daniel.

He now enjoys a well-organised routine based on his interests and activities he likes, supported by a cohesive and supportive staff team.

Fostering Independence and Social Integration

With the human-rights model of care that our team provided, James soon started improving independence and expanding his social connections. His dedicated support workers encourage James to engage in activities that bring him fulfilment and a sense of achievement. He now actively participates in social activities and builds relationships with the people around him. Driving, particularly, has become an important source of pleasure for James, which has remarkably increased his self- confidence and overall welfare.

The humanised approach of the Catalyst Care Group staff team focused on emphasising James’s individuality and personal choices has been central to his continuous improvement. The team’s sterling care and respect for James as a human being have built an environment where he feels valued and understood. Recognising his anxieties and providing proactive support have empowered James to handle different situations positively.

“With good family involvement and working together, we have designed a timetable that means J is really happy. It is not perfect, but it is so much better than in the past. He is happy, he makes choices about what he eats (within reason), where he goes, and what he likes to do. He even chooses what staff he likes. J has the best life with as much control as he can, given his learning disability.”, adds his mother.

James’s supporter worker, Alex, has built a genuine and meaningful relationship with him. She highlights the depth and honesty of the relationships that this Catalyst Care Group brand forms with the people they serve:

”At this point, it feels like a real honour to be working with James and supporting him. And it feels like he is my friend. I feel very grateful to have this opportunity to support him to have the best life he possibly can. Even being a small part of that is amazing.”

James’s journey demonstrates the transforming power of person-centred and consistent support.

A Wholehearted Message to Families Living with Similar Challenges

Daniel shared his thoughts as an answer to our questions: What is your message for all families struggling to find the right support?

He says – ”James is just one example of lots of individuals we have support that we have been able to make a difference to that. Maybe they are struggling where they are currently. We’ve been able to really get a person-centred care team following our humanised approach to be able to come and make a difference to the person, their families and people around them.”

With the genuine and unwavering efforts of our support workers, James continues to thrive, discovering new experiences, activities and embracing life with full capacity.

James’s story is an inspiration to both, people working in healthcare settings, but also for families and caregivers looking for personalised care and support for their loved ones. Seeing people thrive is what drives Catalyst Care Group to continue the journey of transforming healthcare for the better.

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