Georgina Rickard (George)

Restrictive Practice Lead and Specialist Practitioner – therapeutic approaches

I am George, a specialist clinical/behavioural practitioner, practice lead and trainer joining Catalyst in the new role of Restrictive Practice Lead.

I have been working with people and their support teams in the context of high-risk behaviour of concern for over twenty-five years in a wide range of education, community, and in-patient settings.

This has been in various roles from 1-1 therapeutic work to staff training and practice leadership and implementing setting-wide positive approaches.

Supporting the development of bespoke individualised supported living services and organisational processes to support the implementation of positive, person-centred, and least restrictive approaches.

I enjoy working within a team with shared values but looking at things from different perspectives.

Seeing the positive change that can happen for people when we work together effectively to get ‘the right support in the right place’ is motivating and rewarding.


  • MA Autism, Tizard Centre, University of Kent
  • PG Cert Ed: Post Compulsory Education and Training, Bath Spa University
  • PG Cert Autism; Diploma Autism, Birmingham University
  • BA Hons Eng Lit University of London
  • BILD accredited trainer Studio 3 ‘Managing Distressed/Challenging Behaviour; Low Arousal approaches


  • Experienced clinical and behavioural specialist, practice lead and trainer working with adults, young people, their support teams, and organisations for managing and reducing high-risk behaviour of concern, using person-centred, evidence-based, positive approaches designed to improve wellbeing and quality of life.
  • Adults/young people experiencing crisis and behaviours that challenge, including putting self and others at risk of harm, often facing placement breakdown and in-patient admission,
  • Autism and co-occurring differences, learning disabilities, and related complex mental health issues. People often have a background of trauma and adverse experiences.
  • Working with a diverse population in a range of clinical and community settings.
  • Restraint and restriction reduction plans for individuals and their support teams.
  • Least restrictive approaches including PROACT-SCIPr-UK as a model for staff providing direct support to individuals to avoid and manage episodes of high-risk behaviour of concern, e.g. self-injury, physical aggression, and behaviours such as PICA, disordered eating.
  • Trainer: non-aversive behavioural approaches,
  • Autism-informed approaches, Low Arousal/Studio III, values-based PBS, Practice Leadership.

See Other Team Members

PROACT-SCIPr-UK® Principal Instructor
Occupational Therapist
PBS Specialist Practitioner/ PBS Lead