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Transformation in Health and Social Care

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We are continually seeing incredible advances in science and technology.  And we are experiencing a consistent evolution towards systemised and digitalised approaches to how we do most things. 

Whilst there are clear benefits of this for our development as a species, we at Catalyst Care Group are witnessing the negative impact that this evolution is having in the care sector specifically, where the pre-existing ‘processing’ and ‘depersonalisation’ of health and social care services is being exacerbated.

At Catalyst Care Group, we pride ourselves on creating and developing solutions to meet the needs of vulnerable people within our society through using innovative models of care and support – whilst remaining laser-focused on bringing humanity back into care.

The vision of our founder and CEO, Trevor Mapondera, has always been to humanise health and social care whilst focusing on the well-being of the very people delivering those services to people who have complex support needs.  Under Trevor’s leadership, Catalyst Care Group has evolved into a group of brands/providers whose collective purpose is to reinstate the human experience in care, enabling people to live happy and fulfilled lives in their own homes, surrounded by people who become just like family members.


Over the last 50 years, we’ve seen the design, construction and iteration of a huge, complex health and social care system made with all the best intentions to meet the needs of people living in the United Kingdom.  Running parallel to this, we’ve seen a steady increase of people born with additional needs, as well as acquiring complex physical support needs throughout their lifespan.  The demand for complex services has increased faster than our system has been able to respond. One of the unintentional impacts of this is care inequality and a move towards a systemised approach to care, often delivered in large hospital environments.

It is a well-known scientific fact that people respond to treatment faster and recover better at home in a safe environment, surrounded by people they love and trust.

There is a need to focus on care delivery in the comfort of people’s own homes and communities, giving reassurance to people and their families that they are in receipt of the same level of support they’d receive in clinical environments.


Imagine a world where, regardless of what support you required, you would always be close to your loved ones.  This is what we at Catalyst Care Group strive to provide now, and plan to continue well into the future.

Our particular area of focus is the Transforming Care Agenda, working alongside the NHS and Local Government to address the issue of people with learning disabilities and mental health needs, as well as autistic individuals being cared for in clinical environments far from home.  We know, as a system, that there are better options for people who don’t need to be in ward environments creating pressure on already stretched services.

Our approach, using personalisation and bringing humanity and compassion back into practice with intention, has proven to give successful outcomes for people who many thought would not be able to reintegrate back into society, in their own communities.

Our insights show that the emerging need for high quality support will need to be tackled through creativity, compassion and courage.  Our goal is alignment with public health services and other partners to facilitate both admission avoidance and hospital discharges, as well as openly discuss what the future could look like if we all work together seamlessly, focused on humanised care and the wellbeing of our workforce.


We are firm advocates for the Neurodiversity Movement, and have a key interest in the advancement of humanity through accepting, embracing, and then leveraging on differences in thinking to create a sustainable health and social care system.  Through the diversity of our Catalyst Family members and specifically built brands, we have learned that it’s through this acceptance that we’ve been able to deliver creative and brave solutions to complex issues.

We have also learnt that in order for large-scale complex change to occur, leadership needs to happen from the grassroots.  To that end, we have made the decision that our Corporate Social Responsibility fits with championing Girls’ Education in Emerging Economies. Through this realisation, the birth of the Catalyst Foundation, led by Mayda Mapondera, has given us the vehicle we need to start playing our part and tackling some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – those of Quality Education and Gender Equality.

Whilst our goals our ambitious, we know that with a focus on people through our values of Family, Impact and Teaming, they will be achievable.  It is a privilege to work in the health and social care sector and something of which we are proud.

For now, our focus is on changing the life of one person at a time.  Welcome to the journey – let’s do this together.

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